The Teradek Wave and its intuitive FlowOS makes it easy to jump right in to create your first event.
With your Wave powered on and receiving a video signal, tap Create a New Event button or the plus sign on the upper right to get started.

You will enter the “Personalize your new Event” screen. Tap on Event Name to create a name (visible only to you). Then tap to choose a thumbnail for easy visual reference in the main screen and tap Next.

If you haven’t connected your Wave to the internet yet, you will see a Get Online screen. If you are connecting to WiFi, tap the Setup screen in the WiFi connection section, where you will be asked to choose a WiFi network and log in. Alternatively, connect through ethernet or a cellular modem. Tap Next when done.

Next you will be given the option to select a destination. You can log into a platform such as Facebook or Youtube, or tap Channel to save an RTMP destination to stream to repeatedly, or Quick Stream to stream via RTMP without saving the information for other events.
For this example, we will log into a Youtube account with live streaming enabled. Tap Add an account. Then tap Youtube.

Follow the steps to connect your device to your Youtube account (Youtube Live feature must be active in the account) via the QR code or entering the code in the given URL on another device’s browser.
Once Authorized, the account will appear on the destination list and can be chosen in any new Event created. Tap on the destination and tap Next.

You will be presented with a list of existing scheduled events on your Youtube account.
Let’s create a new event by tapping on the Create a new Live Broadcast button on the bottom. Then enter the information for your stream and tap Next. The event will be scheduled on Youtube and you’ll move on to the next screen.

In the next screen, choose whether to enable recording your program to a compatible SD card or USB media (refer to our tutorial on recording for more details), then tap Next.

You will then be presented with Stream Quality options to set your audio and video settings. Customize the options if you wish or leave them at their defaults. Tap Finish when you’re done.

You’ll now be in the event streaming screen where you can view the incoming feed and go live. Tap the Stream button on the upper right to begin streaming.
Youtube gives you the option to Preview or Go Live. We will tap Go Live to stream publicly immediately.

Once streaming, the Stream button’s counter will show the amount of time you’ve been live. Tap the Stream button again to stop your live stream.
For Youtube, you have the option to complete your broadcast to end your event or to stop your broadcast to pause it.

Create more events from the Home Screen with the plus button.
We recommend reading [our tutorial on using the Event Screen on your Wave].