If you build a shot in the preview window with a combination of overlays and/or groups you hope to use again and again, you can save them as “Shots” to save you time switching during your live streaming program.
This is a processor-intensive feature, so be sure to use a capable iPad, like the iPad Pro.
To get started, first build your desired shot in the preview window. You can find tutorials on building [overlays] and groups in our support documents.

Next locate the Shots pane on the lower left side of the main screen. If hidden by the main controls pane, tap the arrow on the upper left corner to reveal it. If currently in the Groups tab, tap the Shots icon to switch to the Shots pane.

Tap on the Save button (disk icon) on the bottom of the screen to save the current shot in the Preview pane.
This will save the shot into an easy to tap thumbnail to recall the same combination.

Let’s set up a different shot in the preview pane.

Tap the Save button in the Shots pane to save the new shot.

Tap between your saved Shots to load them, with all your saved settings, into the preview pane and edit them into your program.

Tap the Expand button (bracketed square) on the bottom of the Shots pane to expand your view of your saved shots to edit more easily between.
Tap the Expand button again to shrink the pane and reveal the main controls pane again.

To delete a shot, tap and hold on a saved shot to enter the Shot Editor.

Then, tap the Delete button (trash can) and tap Delete to confirm and delete the shot.

To delve further into the Shot Settings window, please refer to this [tutorial].