For the Quick Start on adding an overlay, please refer to [this tutorial].
You can customize the color, style and layout of your scoreboard to match your team’s colors and live program styling. You can even add a timer for quarters or round time or even add a clock to show time of day.
If you’ve already created a scoreboard, tap and hold to enter the Scoreboard editor.

In the Style tab, tap on the button under Tint. Choose between Color, Gradient, Dark and Light styles.

Tap the button under Layout and choose between Stacked or Wide styles.

Tap on the Teams Tab.

Tap on the Main button under Home Team Colors.

Choose your hue and saturation in the color wheel and the brightness to adjust the color of the home team’s background graphic. This will adjust just the border color in the Dark and Light styles.

Tap the green checkmark to save your settings.

Tap the Trim button under Home Team.

Use the same color controls to adjust the color of the border around the home team graphic.

Tap the green check mark to save your changes.

The controls for adjusting the visiting team colors are the same.

Tap on the Score tab. The options that appear will be different depending on the sport.

We'll use Basketball as an example. Tap on the plus and minus buttons under the Home Team or Visiting Team to change the score in 1 point increments.

Tap on the +3, +2 or +1 buttons below for different point increase increments.

Changes in scores won’t be updated in the preview or program until you tap update.

Tap on the Time tab. This won’t show for some sports where it isn’t applicable.

Tap the plus and minus next to Quarter to change the displayed quarter.

Under Time Colors, tapping the Main and Trim buttons give you color controls identical to Team Color settings.

Under Timer Mode, tap “Clock 12h” to display time of day on screen.

Tap “Down” to display a countdown timer on screen.

Under Configure Timer Display, tap Hour, Min and/or Sec to choose what increments of time to display.

In the number fields tap the respective numbers to adjust timer length and tap Update.

Tap start timer to begin the timer. The timer in the preview and/or program panes will immediately begin.

Tap Stop Timer to stop the timer.

Tap Reset to reset the timer back to the default starting point.

Tap the Up Timer Mode button for a count up timer.

In the Configure Timer Display section, you will have the same controls as the count down timer. The difference is that any set time values dictate what time the timer will count up from.

Tap Start Timer to begin counting up.

Tap Stop Timer to pause the timer.

Tap Clear to reset the timer to zero. This will also clear any customized start time.

Tap Done to save changes and exit the Scoreboard Editor.