You can easily stream straight to a Facebook group that you’re an administrator of from within Airmix. We’ll need to make changes to settings in both Airmix and your Facebook group.
First, in airmix tap the blue settings button.

Then tap Broadcasting Destinations. Then tap Manage Destinations.

Tap Add Destination.

Tap Facebook Live.

Tap Continue with Facebook then tap Continue in the popup window and follow the steps to log in and authenticate. Once logged in, you’ll be presented with the Facebook Settings window.

Tap the blue “Stream To” selection button, which should be set to Timeline by Default.

In the pop out menu, tap Group.

Tap the blue Select Your Group button and tap on the group you wish to stream to.

Tap on the Title and Description fields to customize the respective text. Tap done to save the text.

In the Privacy area, for all group members to see the stream leave the setting to Everyone.

Tap Done and tap Done again to save your settings.

Tapping the red Go Live! Button now will result in a publishing error if you haven’t set up your group for live streams from Airmix.

To set up the group to receive Airmix streams. Log into Facebook and enter your group.

In the Admin Tools on the left, scroll down and click Settings.

Scroll down to the bottom of the settings and click the pencil icon next to Apps.

Click Add Apps.

In the Search field, type in “Airmix”.

Click on the Airmix app that appears. Then click Add.

Back in Airmix, tap the red Go Live! Button.

Your live stream should now successfully go live.