Teradek User Guide

Network Configuration

Updated on

Configure Prism’s network interface and encryption options by opening the Network menu from the web UI. 

Configurable Options


  • WiFi Mode
    • Access Point (AP): Prism acts as its dual-band access point, allowing you to connect your device directly to Prism’s AP network, and for bonding multiple cellular devices for increased bandwidth.
    • Client: Prism and your mobile device connect to the same local wireless network. Client Mode is typically used for normal WiFi operating and connecting to your local router.
  • Access Point Mode Options:
    • Access Point Security Mode
      • WPA
      • WPA2
      • WPA/WPA2
    • Access Point Region
      • United States
      • Europe
      • Japan
      • China
      • South Korea
    • Access Point Channel
      • Select a range or a specific channel/frequency
    • Hotspot
      • Hotspot feature (Enable or Disable) 
      • Hotspot Interface (available when Hotspot is enabled):
        • Auto
        • Wired 1
        • Wired 2
        • Modem A
        • Modem B
        • Modem C
        • Modem D
  • Client Mode Options:
    • Auto Connect to Saved Networks  (Enable or Disable) 
    • IP Mode - 
      • Dynamic (DHCP): Prism requests an IP address and configuration from the network’s DHCP server when set to DHCP.
      • Static: When set to Static, you must manually configure the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server to connect to the network.
    • Wi-Fi Scan
    • Saved Networks
    • + Add network


  • Dynamic (DHCP): Prism requests an IP address and configuration from the network’s DHCP server when set to DHCP.
  • Static: When set to Static, you must manually configure the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server to connect to the network.


  • Modem - Enable or Disable the use of the selected modem
  • Slot 1/2 - Select which SIM card you want to use.
    • Node II supports up to two SIM cards from most providers (including Teradek Data SIM cards) and can operate on most LTE/4G/3G data bands. With dual SIM slots, you can swap from one provider to another without unplugging the Node II. Only one SIM card can be used at a time.
    • Node 5G supports one SIM card from most providers (including Teradek Data SIM cards)and has a built-in Teradek Data eSIM for a total of two connections. Teradek Data eSIM cards provide high-speed native and multi-carrier coverage with automatic network switching so you always have the best connection at any location.
  • Configuration - Select a configuration type:
    • Auto
    • Custom
    • Terfadek Standard Data
    • Teradek Priority Data
    • Teradek Priority Data Europe
    • Teradek Priority Data Japan
    • Teradek Priority Data
    • Teradek Data Tier 1

WiFi Hotspot

Prism's Wi-Fi Hotspot feature lets you turn your device into a wireless hotspot, sharing your Internet connection with smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices. WiFi Hotspot keeps you and others connected on the go, in areas without stable internet, or when multiple devices need to connect.

WiFi Hotspot Setup

1. Connect and enable the modem(s) you will be using. 

2. Click the Priority tab, then drag and drop your preferred interfaces to the top so they have the highest priority, and then align the fallback options below.

3. Open the WiFi tab to ensure the WiFi Mode is set to Access Point, then enable the Hotspot feature.

4. Select a Hotspot Interface option:

  • Select Auto to use the highest priority interface and fall back to another interface if the current one is unavailable. NOTE: It will NOT switch back to the higher priority interface if it is connected again. To return to the higher priority interface, users must disable and then re-enable the hotspot, select a different interface, and then return to Auto
  • Selecting one of the Wired or Modem options will only use that specific interface and will have no fallback capability.
    • WiFi is not an option on the Hotspot Interface drop-down list.
    • Hub interfaces will only be displayed if a hub is connected.
    • All other interfaces will be displayed regardless of their connected status.

5. Connect a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android phone, etc.) to your Access Point and check if you have an internet connection. 

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