Core Share allows anyone to view live video from your Core workspace on any web browser or mobile device running the Core Share app, even if they don't have a Core account.
Table of Contents
- Core Share generates a share code for you to log in instead of your typical login and password
- The same share code can be reused to configure all your devices
- You must download the Core Share App
Connect Your Device
- From the web UI, select Cloud Services then click the Link this Device tab.
Log in to Core: Enter your credentials to link Prism to your Core account, then click Next.
Link with Code: Copy the authorization code generated for your Prism, then follow the
instructions. - Refer to other sections in this guide for more information about using your encoder with Core.
Share a Workspace
- Add a workspace (source) to your Core account if you haven't already. For instructions on how to add a workspace to your Core dashboard, please click here.
- Click Core Share from the sidebar menu, then select the workspace you will share.
- Tap the workspace’s Share tab to open the Sharing window.
- You can share workspaces via E-mail, text (SMS), or a sharling link. See the next section for details.
Sharing Via Email
- Click the Via Email tab.
- Enter the email address(es) in the Share via email field.

3. Click Sharing Expiration to enter a sharing period (Never or Custom date), then choose whether or not you want to display the watermark. You can also add a custom note (optional) to send to your collaborators in the Note to user(s) field.
4. Click Send Invitation.

The people you have shared the workspace with will receive an e-mail like the one pictured below that contains their share code.

Sharing Via SMS
1. Click the Via SMS tab.
2. Select the country code, then enter the phone number you wish to share your workspace with.
3. Click Sharing Expiration to enter a sharing period (Never or enter a Custom date).
4. Click Send Invitation. Core will send an SMS to the phone number you entered containing the share code.
Unshare a Workspace
To unshare your workspace, return to the Workspaces page and click on any of the icons listed under the name of the workspace.
Click the trash icon to remove the user.

View a Workspace
View in your Web Browser
- To view the shared workspace, open the email you received from Core, copy the share code, and then click Open in Core Share app.
- Core Share will automatically populate the email and share code fields and open the shared workspace. If it does not, enter your email after you click Open in Core Share app, then click Continue with Sign In to enter the share code.
View on a Mobile Device
See the Core Share App section below for instructions on viewing streams on your mobile device.
Core Share App
Core Share is a live production collaboration app that enables Core users to view shared workspaces and communicate with their entire production team in real-time. To get started, download the Core Share app, available for iOS, Android, and Windows.
- Download the Core Share App (iOS /Android). See links above.
- Ensure the admin has shared a workspace with you. You will receive a share code via either e-mail or SMS.
- Enter your email/phone number and access code. You can also enter your Core credentials if you have a Core account.
- Tap the Log In button

After logging in, you can see information about the shared workspaces and associated organization. To enter the workspace, simply tap the listing.

Once inside the workspace, you can either select the individual sources or if multiple cameras are connected, tap one of the multiview layouts to view 2, 3, or 4 videos at once.

Voice Chat
Core Share enables voice and text chat for connected viewers. This permission must be enabled when the workspace is shared. This works for both connected apps, and devices with Core Comms enabled.
Visit the Core Comms article for More information on how to enable and use Core Comms with your encoders and decoders:
- To communicate with crew members via voice chat, tap the Join tab (green phone icon) at the top of the screen.
- To end the call, tap the Leave tab (red phone icon).To view other users in the shared workspace, tap the Users tab.

Text Chat
You can text with other people in a workspace by tapping the text chat icon. Text messages are only visible for currently connected users, messages are not saved for later viewing.