There are several ways to send a feed from the encoder to Helios:
1- Linking the Helios to encoder on Core;
2- Connecting device to Helios from Core via RTMP/SRT/Mpeg-TS Destination Channel (described in the guide)
3- Streaming directly from the device, which is described below. We will show the example on Teradek Cube 600 series.
- Open the Web UI of your device and go to Video Stream Output tab. You will need to create RTMP(s) destination from your device
2. Go to your Helios server page on Core and copy the stream URL and key
Note: If you do not have the Helios launched yet, check our Server Lauch Tuitorial.
3. Paste your Helios server details in the appropriate filled and hit the Apply button.

4. Go Live on your encoder to receive the feed on the Helios server.