Teradek User Guide

Connecting device to  Hyperion or Helios on Core

Updated on

When your device is connected to your Core account, you can change its Streaming Server from On-demand Hyperion server to Cloud Hyperion or Helios server and vice versa.

Below you can find the instructions on:

- Changing the Engine (On-demand to Cloud) from the Web UI

- Changing the Engine (On-demand to Cloud) from Core

- Changing the Engine to Helios from Core

Change the Engine (On-demand to Cloud) from the device's Web UI:

1. Open the Web UI-> Cloud services tab-> Select Streaming Engine

2. Choose the needed Server which were launched on Core by Connecting to Existing Engine:

Change the Engine (On-demand to Cloud) from Core:

1. Open the Encoder’s tab in Sources tab

2. Choose Settings menu on the right

3. Connection tab shows the current Server your device is connected to (On-demand or Cloud)

4. Choose Cloud option in the Connection Type and tick the needed Server which are launched on your account:

5. Apply the settings.

After the device is connected to Cloud Hyperion, the outputs of the stream become available. They can be found under the preview, alongside the Server name.


Connecting to Helios from Core

You will need to Link the Helios destination to the needed encoder, using the RTMP/SRT/Mpeg-TS (depending on the Helios type) Destination Channel

1. Launch a new Helios Engine or Open the existing one

2. Under the preview you will be able to copy and then paste the stream URL and key.

3. On the Destination tab Create a new channel RTMP/SRT/Mpeg-TS (depending on the Helios type). Use your Helios credentials (URL and stream key) and Save new Channel.

4. Open the Encoder page which you wish to connect to the Helios and Link the created channel

5. Hit Go Live button

6. The feed will appear on the Helios page

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