Teradek User Guide

How to Link Helios to connected device on Core

Updated on

There are several ways to send a feed from the encoder to Helios:

1- Streaming directly from the device;
2- Connecting device to Helios from Core via RTMP/SRT/Mpeg-TS Destination Channel (described in the guide)
3- Linking the Helios to encoder on Core - is described below.

If you do not have the Helios launched yet, check our Server Lauch Tuitorial.

  1. Go to Encoder page and find the Streaming Servers on the left side under the preview:

2. Click Link button, choose the needed Helios and click Link again.

3. You will see the connected Helios on Encoder page;

4. Click Go Live to start streaming feed to Helios server.

5. The feed is now live on Helios and you are able to stream to the needed destination.

NOTE: When the device is connected to Helios engine, the egress time is being counted (as there is the outbound data from the device at that moment). Also, the egress time will be increased when you start streaming from Helios to the destination(s).

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