The Vidiu X can stream directly to your Youtube channel to a new event or a Youtube Live event that you have previously scheduled. Before starting, make sure your Vidiu X and iOS device are connected to the internet and that you have your Youtube account information..
Connect to your Vidiu X via the [Vidiu App] and enter the device UI.
Tap on the three dots on the upper right to enter your Vidiu X’s settings.
Tap on Streaming, then Configure Destination.
Tap Youtube.
Tap the button with the authorization code to copy it.
Tap the Login button.
Paste the code into the pop-up browser window and follow the Google authentication steps to log into your Youtube account.
Once logged in, tap the button next to Broadcast and choose your scheduled event. Tap Done to confirm.
Tap Apply to save your settings and tap the back icon on the upper left three times then tap Done to return to the main control screen.
Tap Go Live to begin the event and choose whether to start a non public Preview or Go Live immediately.