With Bolt Manager, you can configure all of your Bolt 6 devices at once. Available as software for Windows and Mac, Bolt Manager allows you to pair multiple receivers to your transmitter, select frequencies, load 3D LUTs, and perform firmware upgrades.

NOTE: Available configuration settings will differ between Bolt models.
- Pairing - Pair or unpair your devices.
- Settings - Select the operating region (TX) and modify the RX/TX name.
- Color Processing - Allows you to apply 3D LUTS to the receiver's video output.
- Upgrade - Update your devices with the latest firmware.
- Status - Displays detailed information about configuration and update statuses.
- About - Displays the software version and License Agreement.
- Logs -

Color processing allows users to apply 3D LUTs directly to the receiver’s video output or to add, remove, and modify up to 16 LUTs stored in Bolt 6’s memory.
Live LUT - Click Load and browse for a 3D LUT file to apply to the video output. The following file formats are supported:
- .dat (DaVinci Resolve)
- .3dl (Assimilate Scratch)
- .cube (DaVinci Resolve)
- .lut (Pomfort LiveGrade)
.mga (Final Cut)
Select Auto load when file is updated. The LUT file will be to re-read and apply LUT files to the video automatically whenever it is updated on your computer.
Manage LUTs - The LUT manager allows you to select up to 16 3D LUT files to store on Bolt. LUTs can be rearranged, renamed, added, and removed using the corresponding buttons.
- Sync - Sync all currently loaded LUTs from the receiver's memory After syncing, the LUTs will be displayed in the manager window.
- Apply to Video - Apply the selected 3D LUT file to the video output. Once applied, the LUT file can be turned On, Off, or applied to half the display using the Split option.
- Read LUTs - Read Bolt's storage and overwrite the the contents of the LUT management window.
- Send to Bolt - Load your LUT presets to your device
- Reset LUTs - Reset Bolt’s storage to default values. A number of pre-defined LUTs are contained in the default configuration.

Teradek releases firmware updates periodically that add new features, improve performance, and fix vulnerabilities. To update Bolt 6, you’ll need to load a firmware package into Bolt Manager.
- Load from Web - If you have an Internet connection, click Load from Web to download the latest firmware package from Teradek’s servers.
- Load from PC - Click Load from PC if you have already downloaded the firmware package you wish to use. For latest firmware, visit: https://www.teradek.com/pages/downloads#bolt4k

Once the firmware is loaded, and information about the package is displayed, click Next to proceed with the upgrade. You will then be presented with a list of device components and whether or not they are scheduled to be updated, along with two options:
- Start Upgrade - Update your Bolt 6 device(s) with the latest firmware version.
- Advanced Options - View detailed version information for each component and the firmware upgrade package components. The Advanced screen also allows users to select which components to upgrade.