Through the Prism
Prism products can update Teradek Node II devices by pressing the Update Modem Button under Network interfaces. The Prism will download the latest firmware and apply it. Please wait until the process is complete before disconnecting your modem.
On a Windows Computer
The Node II modem can be updated through our chipset manufacturer utility by downloading this package of files which contain the following items. Extract the zip file in a location of your choosing.
- DriversForNode.exe - Drivers for the Node II and other Modems made by Quectel
- QFlash_V6.3 - (Modem Flashing Software)
- EM12GPAR01A20M4G_01.202.01.202 - Beta Firmware Folder
1. Install the DriversForNode.exe software in the typical fashion accepting all security checks/smart screen
2. Plug in the Node II and Open up the Windows Device Manager. Note the Quectel USB DM Port Com Number.
3. Navigate into the QFlash_V6.3 folder to QFlash_V6.3.exe and open up the program.
4. Make sure the previously noted COM port is selected and the baud rate is set to 921600
5. Click Load FW Files and Navigate to <extracted folder>/EM12GPAR01A20M4G_01.202.01.202/update/firehose/ and select partition_complete_p4K_b256K.mbn All files should load. Click START.
The Firmware should finish and you should be able to use the modem as normal.